Conducting, and Rehearsal Management:

I specialised in conducting at BA (Hons) level, and subsequently spent 14 years working as a professional conductor.  These days, my interests lie in the teaching and training of conductors, in addition to maintaining my own skills as a conductor.


My own interest in conducting came as a result of early attempts at composition, and through an interest in trying to work out how ensembles blended as a cohesive unit.

In 1985 I joined the Army as a musician. During my ten years in the Band of the Blues and Royals I had the opportunity to arrange the music of other composers, compose my own music, hear my own compositions and arrangements performed, and most importantly, I had the opportunity to watch other conductors learning their craft. In 1997 I earned my own place on a three-year course as a Student Bandmaster. In November 2000 I graduated with BA (Hons) in music, and was posted to the King's Division Normandy Band to take up the appointment of Bandmaster (photo above). During this time I took every opportunity to arrange and compose music for various events under the encouragement of the Director of Music. I stayed in this post for four years.


In November 2004 I was posted to London to take up the appointment of Bandmaster of the Band of the Irish Guards (photo above). During my four years of service with this band I had more opportunities to write, but fewer opportunities to conduct. Some of the pieces I composed around that time were performed at extremely high profile occasions in the presence of Heads of State of many countries, including those of Great Britain. During 2006 and 2007 I undertook two extended tours of Ghana to work as advisor to the Principal Director of Music of the Ghana Armed Forces, and to bands of the Ghanaian Army, Air Force, Navy, Police Service, Immigration Service and Prison Service.


In September 2008 I undertook my final appointment as a Regular Army Bandmaster: that of the Heavy Cavalry and Cambrai Band, based in Catterick, North Yorkshire (photo above). During my final two years of service in the Army (2008 - 2010) I had fewer opportunities to have my compositions performed, but more time to focus on conducting. In 2010 I undertook a second African tour; that of advisor and trainer to the bands and commanders of the Ethiopian Armed Forces.

For a number of years I had been considering expanding my theoretical and academic knowledge of composition through higher education, and in January 2010 I enrolled at Durham University with a view to attaining the degree of Master of Music through Composition. On 12th November 2010 I retired from the Regular Army after 25 years of service. In January 2011 I took up the appointment of Bandmaster of the Lancashire Artillery Volunteers Band (photo below). As a TA Bandmaster I was doing a similar job to that of my Regular Army colleagues, in a part time context. I subsequently left this post in September 2014. In June 2015 I graduated from Durham University as a Master of Music; a great thrill for me, as I now have a tangible qualification as a composer.

More development....

I have been extremely lucky throughout my musical life.  My career in the Army gave me solid training as a player, and the opportunities for an extended education in conducting and composition. 

Having graduated with an MMus in composition from Durham in 2015, I saw an advert for the role of Composer in Residence for the Bands of the Royal Oman Police. In 2016 I applied for the job, and was accepted.  In January 2017 I flew into Muscat, the capital of Oman and started work. 

During my initial discussions with the Director of Music, I asked him what he wanted from my music, he answered that he wanted strength in rhythm and orchestration.  He'd been dissatisfied with other pieces (generally military marches), because he felt that the orchestration was weak, particularly on the march.  I made it my priority to focus on tight rhythmic patterns and compressed chordal structures to gain the utmost strength from the music. This approach worked well, and the majority of the 130 marches I composed for the Omani Police Bands were well received.

I had the privilege of working with the Royal Oman Police for four years, and in February 2021 I took the decision to come home.


Having returned to North Lincolnshire, from Oman, I spent a year writing music, working on larger projects such as my five State and Ceremonial Marches (see the Composer page on this site).

Eventually I was offered an opportunity to rejoin the Army as a trombonist, and was posted to Edinburgh to join the Band of the Royal Regiment of Scotland on a two year contract.  During this period, HM Queen Elizabeth II passed away.  I had the privilege of playing in the Band for Her Majesty's procession through Edinburgh, the flight to London, and thesubsequent funeral.  In addition to the State Funeral, I had the privilege of playing in the Band for the Coronation of HM King Charles III.

The final three months of my contract were spent with the amazing ensemble which is British Army Band Catterick.  During this time, the Director of Music, Captain Ben Ruffer tasked me to compose a new piece for the Band, and this commission resulted in A Yorkshire Rhapsody (again, see the Composer page on this site).  A Yorkshire Rhapsody has been recorded, and will be premiered at on 26th September 2024.

March 2024 saw Royal Corps of Army Music celebrating their 30th anniversary with a series of concerts in four venues: Edinburgh, London, Cardiff, and Aldershot.  As a part of the preparations for these concerts, the Corps Trust held a competition for the commission of a new fanfare to open each of the concerts, which I was lucky enough to win.  The fanfare which opened these spectacular concerts, was Rex Tremendae Majestatis (again, see the Composer page on this site).

On 1st March 2024 I had the privilege of taking over the appointment of Bandmaster of the Regimental Band of 150 Regiment, Royal Logistic Corps. 

I continue to write music, and am grateful for the fact that my music continues to be played by some incredible bands.